How are we using the waking hours of our days?
Are we spending time doing something that will last longer
than just a few months or years?
Are we investing our hours and talents in something that can
outlive us?
Some people drift through life—
without pondering deep
without wondering about life’s purposes.
It’s easy to get caught up in the here and now: getting to
work on time, paying bills, putting money in savings, keeping up with housework
and yard work, following our favorite sports teams, and exercising.
And we must do grocery shopping, laundry, meal prep, dishes,
and car maintenance.
And we make efforts to raise good kids, and we drive them to
soccer games and baseball practices, and maybe we even help coach those teams.
Some of us take Bible studies and volunteer at church and in
the community.
And we keep up with friends—Facebook, texting, email,
hanging out.
Now, those are good and important things, but living life
well is so much more.
Deep down we really want to make a difference. We want to be
a blessing, to make a lasting impact that leaves our corner of the world a
better place for our family and friends.
We can do that only if we are intentional. And committed.
And tenacious.
We must take seriously what Jesus said: “Go back to your
family and tell them everything God has done for you” (Luke 8:39).
The Old Testament tells us, “Let each generation tell its
children of [God’s] mighty acts; let them proclaim [His] power” (Psalm 145:4).
And of course there’s our theme verse here at SM 101, “Always
remember what you’ve seen God do for you and be sure to tell your children and
grandchildren!” (Deuteronomy 4:9).
You don’t know how much longer you’ll have to write your
stories. I don’t know how much longer I’ll have.
Writing stories for families should be on everyone’s bucket
We must to give priority to writing our stories because when
we do, we’re investing in the eternal for the sake of our families. There’s no
better way to spend our time!
Tony Evans says,
“When you invest your time, talent,
and treasure in the eternal,
your investments have a Divine return.”
That’s our goal—that Divine return. We might not live long
enough to see the goal fulfilled, but it’s a worthy goal nevertheless: writing
a memoir that will have a Divine return in our family members’ lives.
Love the Lord your God with all
your heart
and your soul
and your strength.
Commit wholeheartedly to
these commands that I give you today.
Impress them upon your children.
Talk about them when you’re at home
and when you’re traveling,
when you’re lying down and when you’re getting up.
Tie them as reminders on your hands
and bind them to your foreheads.
Write them on the doorframes of your houses
and on your gates—so that
you and your children may flourish.
Deuteronomy 6:5-9, Deuteronomy 11:18-20
You are part of a story much bigger than yourself, and God
has entrusted you with stories only you can write.
Don’t drift through life.
examine God and His Word,
grapple with God’s purposes for your life,
and recognize, maybe for the first time, just how involved
God has been—sometimes in miraculous ways, but mostly in everyday ways.
Writing your memoir, and what you uncover in the process,
will be among the richest experiences of your life. It can fortify your faith. Writing your memoir is one way to honor God and it will shower blessings upon your
readers. It’s a win-win situation!
Brooke Warner observed that “… before a memoir can become a
memoir, it’s a seed of an idea—planted into the writer who is available and ready.”
Are you available? Are you ready?
Write your stories!