Some sounds have died out. Have you ever thought of that?
In your memory, some sounds live on—they are a perfectly
normal part of everyday life—yet they could be sounds your kids or grandkids have
never heard.
I thought of that a few days ago when I read 11 Things That Your Kids Have Probably Never Heard.
Sounds like:
a rotary dial phone
a manual typewriter
a cash register
and those bells that used to ring when we pulled into a gas
If these memories make you smile, you’ll enjoy Kara
Kovalchik’s 11 Things That Your Kids Have Probably Never Heard.
Enjoy that list, but add to it. Make a list of your own
unique sounds and include them in your memoir.
Think about the sound of milking a cow—the sound of warm milk
squirting into a metal bucket. I suspect most people have no idea what that
sounds like.
People acquainted with only gas or electric “fireplaces” might
not know about crackling and hissing sounds that real logs make in real
Those who grew up pre-photocopy machines will remember the
sound a mimeograph machine makes.
Did you grow up listening to air raid sirens? I did.
I’m working on a memoir about three years in a remote spot
in South America. My sound lexicon contains sounds of howler monkeys, Honda
90s, bulls chomping on the hibiscus plant outside my kitchen window, mosquitoes
buzzing ears at night, and many more.
Frederick Buechner writes of sounds from college days: “I
hear the clatter of feet on stone steps and wooden steps, the rifle-shot slap
of books dropped to the writing arms of seats in lecture halls… and [in the
dorm] the playing of everybody’s phonograph at once—“Honeysuckle Rose,” “People
Will Say We’re in Love,” “As Time Goes By.”… (The Sacred Journey)
For your readers’ the sake, for your memoir’s sake—to help
your memoir zing, to add to your readers’ enjoyment—do the work necessary to
make sounds come to life.
Need help remembering? Close your eyes. It’ll probably help.
And click on this link for Amber Lea Starfire’s blog post—it’ll
help you capture and pin down sounds from your past.