Tuesday, August 31, 2021

“Count your blessings backward”

Sandra Clifton was desperately in need. In her discouragement, she cried out to God, “Are You there?”


Sandra seemed to hear God answer, “Count your blessings—backward!


Think about that! Count your blessings—backward!


And so she did—Sandra began to examine her past, to remember what God had done.


In doing so, she discovered God had been guiding and providing for her even though she hadn’t detected it.


“I realized what God wanted me to understand: that He had been at work all along, setting up circumstances to bring His will to pass in my life. Recalling previous blessings and answered prayers reminded me of this truth. It is what David meant by ‘encouraging himself in the Lord.’


Sandra continues, “Tracing our blessings backward shows us the ‘pattern’ of God’s involvement in our lives. It allows us to see that the very obstacles we face today could be the things that set us up for His blessings tomorrow.”


“Today’s blessings are a result of the Father’s masterful orchestration of people and events,” she points out.


Sandra’s message is a glorious one, 

and it’s also what writing a spiritual memoir is all about.


We memoirists devote ourselves to remembering what God has done in the past. “‘Remember’ is the most frequent command in the Old Testament,” writes Mike Metzger.


We examine what happened in the past, we ponder, we take a broader, wider, deeper, higher look.


We search for God’s fingerprints.


We look for patterns in our lives.


We reflect in a deliberate way.


We connect the dots.


We trace our blessings backward

What a superb, blessed experience that can be!


What do you need to remember today?


Think back on your conversations with God—and write about them.


Remember how He confirmed His direction for your life—and write about it.


Remember what you committed to Him, remember the Bible verses that inspired you to make that commitment—and write about all that.


Remember your joy in setting out—and write about it.


Remember all the ways God walked hand in hand with you when you stumbled through rough spots, through dread-filled times, through your anguish—and write about it.


Remember raising your hands in surrender to God, trusting Him for His best outcome for your life—and write about it.


Remember the ways He brought you to a new and good place—and write about all of that.


And take joy in your writing!


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