Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Tuesday Tidbit: Where can you find your stories?

Today we’re following up on Your stories: Where do you find them?

Set aside time to think about a key item and its significance to you and your family’s history.

Ponder its importance while you drink your morning coffee, when you do your chores, and sit in the dentist’s chair, and fold laundry, and exercise.

If those items could talk, what stories would they tell?

Also check out Dr.Lori Verderame’s article about how old possessions can boost memories of Alzheimer patients.


  1. Ah, how funny. I just wrote a section for my Work In Progress about all the stories packed into a copper Aztec calendar that has hung on walls in four houses for nearly fifty years now. I swear half my brain is outside my body. People, listen to Linda and give your stuff a voice in print.

    1. Sharon, how fun to hear from you. Your mention of "stories packed into a copper Aztec calendar" make me curious. I'm eager to read them. Thanks for stopping by, Sharon, and for your encouragement.
