Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Tuesday Tidbit: Writers can mentor those they never meet

Sometimes you wonder whether writing your memoir will be worth all the hard work. Will anybody read it? Will it make a difference in anyone’s life?

But take heart. Your stories can impact others in ways you might never imagine.

Take, for example, what David Ramos recently said:

“Over the years I have had the opportunity to read hundreds of books by dozens of brilliant, God-loving, life-seasoned authors. Of these, a few have left impressions deeper than most.

I wholeheartedly believe you can be ‘mentored’ by men and women you have never met. If you take the time to read their words and think deeply about why they wrote them, you cannot help but be shaped by them.

“These men have met me at the mountaintops and valley-lows in my life. They took my mind’s hand and led me to new places. Both places I didn’t know existed and ones I deeply feared….”

Hand in hand with God, 
write your stories.

Others need to know them. 

God can use your efforts 
and finished memoir 
to bless, encourage, mentor, 
and inspire your readers—
sometimes beyond your wildest imagination.

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