Saturday we began considering your memoir’s ending—your Grand Finale.
You might be saying, “But I haven’t finished writing my vignettes
yet!” Let me explain:
1) Write a rough draft of your conclusion, subject to revisions, and
2) It might seem strange to work on
your ending before you’ve finished
the main body of your memoir—your vignettes, your stories, your chapters—but think
of this:
“If you don’t know where you’re going, you might not get there.”
Yogi Berra
In other words, plan ahead. Know where you’re going with your memoir, and aim for that.
Plan ahead for your memoir to end on a high note so your readers will long
remember it.
How do you do that?
Well, you had a reason to start writing your memoir. What was it?
For me, it was stumbling upon
Deuteronomy 4:9, “Always remember what you’ve seen God do for you, and be sure
to tell your children and grandchildren!”
If you can pinpoint your reason to begin
writing your memoir, you’ll have
a better idea of how you want it to end.
You might want to get out a couple of
sticky notes. On the first one write, “The
reason I’m writing my memoir is________________” and fill in the blank.
On the second, write, “The message I want my readers to take away
from my memoir is _______________” and fill in the blank, keeping in mind you probably won’t know the final version of
your ending until you’ve written all your chapters and have taken time to dig
deeply and discover all the gems hidden within—a crucial part of memoir.
“… The last impression
is what people remember.
Begin well, with attack and accuracy.
Drive it through.
But, whatever else,
make the end the best.
Know exactly what you are aiming for
and finish with a bang.”
Alma Gluck
C’mon back on Saturday
when we’ll examine additional considerations for your memoir’s Grand Finale.