Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Tuesday Tidbit: It’s your time!

What kind of difference could you make, or do you want to make, or need to make, with the time you have left on this earth?

Here’s another question for you:

“ . . . How do you turn your dream of making a positive and meaningful difference in the world into a reality?”

Nina Amir asks the question and then she answers it for you: “You author change.

“You write and publish a book that inspires positive action or change. . . .

“The world needs change agents. It’s your time to make a positive and meaningful impact with your words.”

Your words, your storiesyour memoircould do that. It’s your time, Nina says.

It’s your time!

Not on your own, of course. No, every writer depends on numerous others to help in very practical ways, people in writing groups, critique partners, beta readers, editors, proofreaders, and the list goes on and on.

And then there’s God. Our main source—of inspiration, skill, tenacity—comes from God. Set aside a few seconds to take in this prayer:

“Gracious Father . . . 
I confess my total dependence on You 
not only for every breath I breathe, 
but also for every ingenious thought I think. 
You are the author of my vision and the instigator of my creativity. . . . 
You have chosen me to serve You. 
All my talents, education, and experiences 
have been entrusted to me by You. . . . 
Thank you in advance, Lord, for Your provision 
of exactly what I will need to serve You this day.” 
(Lloyd John Ogilvie, Quiet Moments With God)

May God bless you as you continue writing your memoir. 
It's your time!
Pray for His guidance and enabling. 

You probably can’t imagine all the ways 
He plans to use your story!

There you have it, your Tuesday Tidbit.

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