Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Tuesday Tidbit: Listen for “a deeper sound, a different beat”


Because writing a memoir requires reflection and introspection, the process can change our lives.


God can use it to change the way we hear.


He can use it to open our eyes and tenderize our hearts.


God helps us recognize a higher, deeper, broader story.


Henri Nouwen writes, ““When we listen to the Spirit, we hear a deeper sound, a different beat. The great movement of the spiritual life is from a deaf, nonhearing life into a life of listening . . . in which we . . . hear the guiding and healing voice of God, who is with us and will never leave us alone.” (Henri Nouwen, Discernment)


When we start writing, we have no idea where our memories and our ponderings and writingsand Godwill take us.


The written word

preserves what otherwise might be lost

among the impressions that inundate our lives.

Thoughts, insights, and perceptions

constantly threaten to leave us

before we have the opportunity

to grasp their meaning.

Writing can keep technology-driven,

fast-paced, quick-fix, ambiguity-tolerant

modern life from overpowering us—

and give us something palpable

upon which to reflect.


Reflection slows matters down.

It analyzes what was previously unexamined,

and opens doors to different interpretations

of what was there all along.

Writing, by encouraging reflection,

intensifies life.”

Editors Ben Jacobs and Helena Hjalmarsson,

The Quotable Book Lover


There you have it, your Tuesday Tidbit.

Happy writing!


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