Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Tuesday Tidbit: How can you inspire people to read your memoir to the end?

You might be surprised at the following stats. They surprised me when I ran across them yesterday.

Sarah Bolme, in her blog, Marketing Christian Books, writes,

  • “The average time spent reading is on the decline…. On average, Americans read only 19 minutes per day, down from 10 years ago…. On weekends, Americans between the ages of 25 to 34 read for just eight minutes a day on average.”
  • Most people read only part of a nonfiction book. In fact, a study by Kobo found that religion books were the most abandoned of any genre. In North America, only a little over one-third of all religion books are read all the way to completion.

You and I want people to read all way to the end of our memoirs.

But we can’t lock them in and force them to read our stories.

Sigh…. So what’s a Christian memoirist to do?

We can entice and persuade our readers. How?

For starters, Sarah says, write compelling prose. (And I’ve posted dozens of blog posts about how to do that.)

Sarah also offers this advice:

  • Keep your page count low, under 200 pages. She recommends 120 to 150 pages.
  • Readers are more likely to read short chapters because, she says, “People often read in soundbites.”
  • If your memoir exceeds 200 pages, consider shortening it or divide it into two books.
  • Keep the price down.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This has some good news and some bad news. It's sad that people don't read as much as they used to. I think these days social media accounts for a lot of that and people have to prioritize. Sadly they don't prioritize reading. I do my little bit to encourage reading habits. I don't think my envisioned memoir is going to be greater than 200 pages. So I think I can follow this advice :-) Joyful
    p.s. I'm following you on FB now.

    1. Hi, Joyful Penny! Thanks for encouraging people to prioritize reading. It's so important! God bless you as you begin writing your memoir. And thanks for following SM 101 on Facebook. I post LOTS more stuff there. :)

  3. Reality bites! Still, we must adjust. Thanks for passing on this great advice.

    1. Linda, thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment. I found this advice eye-opening and thought the rest of you would as well. I need to contact you on email and will do so soon.

  4. Yes, great advice all around. Christian memoirs may face the additional challenge of avoiding the temptation to "preach", but aside from that, everything you say applies to all memoir.

    1. As always, Sharon, you have good wisdom to share. Thanks for emphasizing that we must avoid preaching. I wrote a blog post about that but that was several years ago. Perhaps I should dust it off and publish it again. Thanks for stopping by, Sharon.
