Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Tuesday Tidbit: A must for your memoir—Christmas details

You want people to read your memoir, right? But how do you motivate them to keep reading all the way to the end?  

One way is to include plenty of sensory detailsdetails readers can relate to—the smells, sounds, textures, sights, and tastes that were part of your story.

Let’s think about stories that took place during the Christmas season.

If you lived on the equator, your sensory details will be different from those of someone who lived in the Yukon Territory.

If your family is Scandinavian, your sensory details will be different from those of someone whose family is Italian.

So ask yourself:

What smells and fragrances do you associate with Christmas?

What sounds remind you of Christmas?

What feels and textures signify Christmas to you?

What sights do you connect with Christmas?

What tastes go along with Christmas?

When you write your stories, include specific sensory details—because they will add depth, fullness, and vibrancy. They’ll make your stories come alive.

If you’ll include sensory details, your readers will thank you!

Let your readers experience
what you smelled, heard, felt, saw, and tasted.
That way they can relive your story with you.
Readers love that!

There you have it, your Tuesday Tidbit.

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