Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Tuesday Tidbit: What the amazing process of writing reveals

"What is your journey," Rebecca S. Ramsey asks those writing a memoir, "the big change you experienced that you want to share with the world?"

Remember: Memoir is about change, transformation. What new person did you become because of your experience?

Rebecca continues, "What were the little struggles and big struggles that got you from the beginning to the end?" 

She admits the answers to those questions weren't clear when she began writing her new memoir published last month, The Holy Eclair: Signs and Wonders from an Accidental Pilgrimage.

So how did she figure out that change—that transformation, renovation—in her life? 

After much work (writing The Holy Eclaire took ten years), she discovered that writing helped her answer those questions. Something about the process of writing helped her reflect on her transformationa vital part of writing memoir.

So give yourself time to discover your story and write it
even if it takes ten years like it did for Rebecca.
Within the process of writing,
and search for answers.

They are there.

Don't give up before you find them.

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