Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Humbled, annoyed, and temporarily overwhelmed

This week I'm taking a break to work on our rapidly changing technology. Keeping up with it can be humbling for old folks like me.

And annoying.


It can cause tears and angst and lack of sleep.

Pray for me! (And may God forgive me for being grouchy.)

For now, though, I know you’ll enjoy visiting the blogs posted in the right column, below. They are packed with inspirational, helpful stuff for memoir writers.

C’mon back next week!


  1. Saying a quick prayer for you dear. I know how frustrating and overwhelming it can all be.
    Dear Father, please help Linda to overcome whatever problems the technology is giving her. You know the source of the problem and the way to fix it. I pray you will give her help and peace and turn the growls to smiles. I know you care about every little thing when it comes to your children and I give you thanks for that. I ask for you now to turn this situation around, in Jesus name, Amen.

    1. Oh, Penny, you are SO DEAR! How can I ever thank you enough for your lovingkindness and your prayers!!!! You bring tears to my eyes.

      Thank you, thank you!

  2. Sending prayers, Linda. And oh how I can relate to the overwhelm part. You are wise to step back and take care. It's perfect timing with Holy Week next week.

    Blessings and Hugs,

    1. Thank you, Kathy, for being so understanding. Windows 8, a new computer, AAARGH! Do you use Windows 8? It makes no sense to me. Ah, well, exercises like this do help aging brains to age more slowly, right? Tell me that's so!

      Have a blessed Holy Week, dear Kathy. :)


  3. Bless your heart, sweetie! You can do it. The amazing thing is that God's love and power transcends any technology (or lack of it) to reach to each soul that seeks Him. You're doing His work. He'll help you!

    1. Lia, thank you so much for pointing out that God Himself transcends any technology. What a comfort that is! Thanks, too, for reminding me that I am doing His work. You have helped me refocus. Oh, how thankful I am for your words, dear Lia.


  4. Welcome to the club! After choosing one of the most complicated ebook challenges as my starter project and scrambling through that, I so understand, and while working on that, the service for syncing my laptop and desktop computers went offline for keeps, my blog forwarding service hit a huge speedbump, and last night my gmail inbox went POOF! You know what? After the initial shock, I laughed. Everything is on the web. The inbox is filling back up. Life will go on. I no longer have the energy to stress out.

    Breathe deeply, pray gently, and laugh a lot. It's our only hope.

    1. Oh, Sharon, I'm so sorry for all your mishaps! I have not yet made it to the point of laughing but when I do, I know I will have turned a corner. Like you said, life goes on. Maybe I should tell myself what you said and figure it's a waste of my energy to stress out. I appreciate your salutation: "Breathe deeply, pray gently, and laugh a lot." Good to remember.

      Thanks for stopping by with your encouragement, Sharon.

  5. Linda, I have just gone through this period of "humbled, annoyed and temporarily overwhelmed" myself and for it seems the same reason -- technology. Prayers have been lifted up, and it is my hope that this passes from you soon! Sending hugs and smiles your way.


    1. Hi, Sherrey, thanks so much for your encouraging words, your PRAYERS, your hugs and smiles. I will remember them as I continue to slog through this. Soon, very soon, this will all be a thing of the past and I will look back and laugh.
      Have a blessed week ahead, Sherrey.

  6. Keeping up with technology is also humbling for the not so young but not too old either generation!

    I hope you'll find things to enjoy during your break. Happy Easter!

    1. Hi, Olive Tree, it's always wonderful to hear from you. I am keeping you in my prayers.

      Yes, humbling this all is, but that's OK. We got a new cell phone, new computer, new TV company, new phone company (and I think something else....) all in the same week. I so appreciate Lia's comments above about God's sovereignty over technology.... How could I have forgotten?

      Love and prayers to you, Olive Tree,
