Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Tuesday Tidbit: For those who are discouraged, disenchanted, or derailed


Do those words describe where you find yourself on your writing journey?

If so, Mick Silva’s recent post is for you!

“…Trying to live as a WORD-saturated writer is hard,” he says. “Working to reclaim, recall, and re-establish truth, love, justice, and mercy is incredibly draining.”

And he cuts right to the chase: If we Christian writers want to complete and publish our books, we must overcome the lies we tell ourselves.

In The 6 Spiritual Lies Derailing Your Writing Process, Mick lists the lies we allow to hinder us:

  1. Who do you think you are?
  2. You can’t handle this/You’re not ready for this.
  3. You’re too _____ (Fill in the blank: uneducated…damaged…busy….)
  4. You’re wasting your time.
  5. You’re all alone.
  6. You have nothing…. [or] It’s been done before.

Stand up to those lies. Replace your discouragement with Mick’s encouragement: “…Writing is a holy, sacred ground. You’ve been called to help your brothers and sisters in the faith.” 


Even a finished one cannot minister in a drawer
or filing cabinet.

Only in published form
can a book go where you and I will never go,
to people we will never meet.

Only in published form
can a book make a difference in eternity.”

quoted in Marlene Bagnull’s Write His Answer)

Don’t miss Mick’s post! He challenges us to face our fears, fight against the lies we tell ourselves, and trust God more.

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